business skills part 2

business skills part 2

business skills part 2

I'm Robin and in this blog we are gonna talk about six vocabulary to use when you're leaving your job okay some are common some are not so common but they're all useful so let's take a look at the first two quit and give notice okay now quit is the most common word or expression we want to use when leaving a job you can say I quit now usually I quit means suddenly like today but it can be used to talk about the future like 

I will quit next month I will quit next year and remember if you use it in past tense don't say quit you have to say I quit my job last month okay just use quit for past tense all right let's take a look at her example this job is terrible I quit okay this job is terrible I quit this person is not happy with their job he says I quit maybe he says that to his boss so in this sense he's probably quitting today he's at his job

 he says I quit he probably goes home okay he no longer does his job the second one gives notice okay give notice when you give notice this is more formal more professional and the polite way to quit so in our sentence today I gave my boss two weeks notice okay so how long is the how long do you want to continue working at your job two weeks notice some jobs you probably want to give one month notice but anyway he gives to his boss sometimes it's a paper sometimes it's just verbally speaking but you should give notice that's the best way most polite way 

the professional way to quit to give notice all right let's take a look at the next two the first two vocabularies were about you wanting to leave a job the next two maybe you don't want to leave your job but you have to the words are fired and laid off let's take a look at fired first now fired a very negative a very bad thing to hear if your boss tells you you're fired okay now if you're fired you're probably doing something wrong you're a bad worker or something and again fired is quick it's very quick if your boss says 

you're fired probably you should leave that job today so go clean off your desk and go home get out so your boss might say this you're a terrible worker you're fired again go home get out the next one laid off now laid off is not your fault this is probably your fault but laid off is probably the company fault, okay the company has some financial problem

 money problem or there's not enough work for all the employees okay so when the company has a problem they might have to lay off some employees let's take a look at the example company sales are down I was laid off okay so probably this company has some money problems and of course large companies when they lay off workers they lay off thousands of workers so you can see that in the newspaper they will lay off like 3,000 workers or 5,000 workers because the company has a lot of problems all right in some cases you might be rehired when the company has better conditions okay so 

the company sales are down you're laid off sales start to go again they will rehire some workers but usually they don't rehire the old workers they just hire new younger and cheaper workers anyway both are bad if you're fired or laid off you probably don't want that alright let's look at the next two examples here are the last two vocabulary resign and retire let's look at resign resign be careful with the pronunciation it's resign resign it's a verb to redesign alright now we already learned you can leave the company by quitting or give notice and the last one here is to resign now to resign is usually used with upper management executives CEOs even politicians they resign from a company now resign can be positive or negative so resign if 

I'm a CEO and I want to resign from a company alright so probably I have another job at another company or I'm planning to retire so I officially quit the company I resigned it can also be negative especially for politicians they have some public scandal or something and they have to resign they have to quit ok let's take a look at my example he had to resign because of a scandal ok so he's a very important person and he has to quit his job but we don't say quit for the very important person we say resign ok and he had some scandal he had to resign the last one retire ok so you worked hard and it's time to stop working forever you have to retire so my example after 35 years of work long time it's time to retire okay so

 I'm gonna retire from my company, of course, this is a good thing this is a positive thing there can be early retirement okay some companies have early retirement they might give you some extra money to retire early in some cases it's voluntary means you, you want to early retire and in other cases they make you early retire okay but usually just retiring that's a good thing you worked hard time to retire all right let's look at some example sentences all right let's look at the examples number one I quit my job today my boss was terrible 

I quit my job today my boss was terrible okay let's look at the next one I will move to another city I will give two weeks notice to my company I will move to another city I will give two weeks notice to my company next example he got fired from his job because he was stealing money he got fired from his job because he was stealing money the next example the company had to layoff 1,000 employees because of low sales the company had to layoff 1,000 employees because of low sales all right the next example he resigned from the CEO position due to low sales he resigned from the CEO position due to low sales and the last example 

I will retire at age 65 I will retire at age 65 okay I hope those examples helped you let's do a quick review of the six vocabularies the first one quit I quit okay you don't like your job anymore and you're gonna quit probably very quickly like today I quit the next one give notice a little more professional and nice you tell your boss or you write your letter to your boss and you give it to him I'm gonna give notice that I'm quitting one month later all right you're fired very bad you're a bad worker Mamie and your boss says you're fired okay so get out now get out today laid off company problems not your fault sorry but we have to lay you off okay you're fired but it's not your fault resign again for kind of upper management and very important workers they don't say I quit they say 

I resigned and the last one retire of course you work many many years and you don't want to work anymore you retire all right so I hope you have a very good understanding of these six vocabularies and that's it see you next time hello I'm Robin and in this video we are going to talk about your income and your outgoings now let's start with income first now your income is the money coming in how you make money the money you make that is your income all right and these are the different ways you can get an income so let's see how they're expressed in English now the first way is a salary if you have a job a full-time job you get a salary now salary is usually calculated per month or per year okay so when you talk about your salary for example 

I make $2,000 a month or I make $40,000 a year that's how we would express salary the next one is wage now a wage is usually for a part-time job okay students work for a wage for example if they work at a fast-food restaurant maybe they get a small wage this is calculated per hour or per day so for example 

I make $6 per hour the next one is a commission so if you work especially in sales maybe you get a commission if you're working at a car dealership you sell a car and you would get a percentage of the the cost of that car that's called the commission so the more cars you sell the more Commission you get bonus at the company you work one year at the company and some company is not all companies will give a bonus okay so that's extra money if the company is doing well fees lawyers doctors they might charge fees if you're using their service you have to effie okay so for example a lawyer might have a hourly fee of like $400 or $500 okay you pay them a fee and that's how they make their money from fees Social Security all right this is money from the government it can be called also welfare so if you lost your job or you're handicapped and you need some money from the government this is Social Security that is also income pension 

that is your retirement money so after you retire you can collect a pension that's an income and the last one investments so if you are investing in property or stock and you make money that is also an income all right so this is the different ways you can get an income let's take a look at some example sentences okay let's look at the first example his yearly salary is $30,000 his yearly salary is $30,000 in the next example her wage is $6 an hour at the fast-food restaurant her wage is $6 an hour at the fast-food restaurant and the next one for every camera I sell I get 10% commission for every camera I sell I get 10% commission and the next one my company usually gives a year-end bonus last year I received $5,000 my company usually gives a year-end bonus last year I received $5,000 and the next one I'm a lawyer my hourly fee is $500 I'm a lawyer my hourly fee is $500 and the next one our family lives off of social security the government gives us about $900 a month our family lives off of Social Security the government gives us about $900 a month and the last example when I retire from my company 

I can collect a pension of about $2,000 a month when I retire from my company I can collect a pension of about $2,000 a month okay so we talked about the different types of income the money coming in now we're gonna talk about outgoings outgoings the money going out how you spend the money let's take a look at the first one living expenses now living expenses means the things you have to spend or what you need to buy every day to survive this is talking about food or clothing or even transportation things like that thing you need to get every day those are living expenses the next one bills okay so every month we have to pay bills we have to pay the electricity bill the water bill things like that those are bills rent if 

you're living in a house the house is not yours you're renting okay you have to rent the house so you have to spend money to rent the house every month mortgage now if you want to buy a house but you don't have enough money you go to the bank you ask for a loan and they give you a loan and you can buy a house that loan is called a mortgage all right so rent you don't own the house you're just spending every month rent mortgage you own the house but still every month you have to pay the bank for the loan so the mortgage is the bank loan to buy the house insurance car insurance health 

insurance every kind of insurance every month you have to buy insurance and of course we have to pay tax on all our income we have to pay tax so these are good examples of the outgoings let's look at some more example sentences okay let's look at the examples my monthly living expenses are around $800 my monthly living expenses are around $800 and the next one all my monthly bills add up to about $1,200 all my monthly bills add up to about $1,200 and the next one I pay five hundred dollars in rent next month my rent will go up one hundred dollars

 I pay five hundred dollars in rent next month my rent will go up one hundred dollars and the next one each month I have to make a thousand dollar mortgage payment in 15 years my house will be paid off each month I have to make a thousand dollar mortgage payment in 15 years my house will be paid off and the next one I pay about $400 a month in health insurance to cover my family I pay about $400 a month in health insurance to cover my family and the last one my taxes are about thirty percent of my income now you know different types of income and you know different types of outgoings okay 

I did not teach all the different types of income and outgoings I just taught the main ones okay the ones you must know these are great financial terms you should study them you should know them and you should use them any way that's it for this video see you next time I'm bill and what we have right here is a small talk video usually good for when you're meeting a foreign visitor who's in Korea on business and maybe you can't think about what to talk about well how about the weather easy topic so there are three different questions 

I want us to talk about about the weather and how to ask a foreign visitor so here's the first one here it goes how is the weather over there nowhere over there that means their country the foreign visitors country how is the weather over there in your country now, of course, their answer is going to start with it's it is meaning the weather is so now maybe they could say it's hotter than in Korea or maybe they say it's colder than in Korea 

or even maybe more of an answer they could say it's raining a lot right now over there remember that okay let's look at the next question okay here we are with the next question now the next question you can ask the foreign visitor would be this is the weather good in your country this time of year now we say time of year that means right now so there's a lot of different ways for someone to answer this question because it starts with is the easy answer would just be yes it is or no it isn't but giving boring answers isn't good so you got to think there are lots of ways to do this you could say ah the weather is wonderful right now or if the weather is very bad maybe they could joke and say

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